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EIU Predicts the Winner of Nigeria's Presidential Election in 2023, breaking

 The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) has predicted in a new country report that Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, the presidential candidate of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC), will win the 2023 presidential election. The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) candidate, Atiku Abubakar, has seen his chances of winning the election significantly reduced, according to The Economist's research and analysis division. According to the report, Peter Obi, the candidate for the Labour Party (LP), is becoming more well-liked in the southeast, which has historically been the PDP's stronghold. This has decreased Atiku's chances of winning. Muslim-Muslim ticket may not have an impact on Tinubu's chances, according to EIU. However, Kashim Shettima, a former Borno state governor and fellow Muslim, has continued to stir up controversy within the APC and throughout Nigeria. The same-faith ticket does not appear to have an impact on the former governor of Lagos State's chances in the 2023 presidential election, according to the EIU. "Recent events have only served to confirm our belief that Tinubu will win the presidency. 

According to the EIU, "it does not seem that a Muslim-Muslim ticket will weigh significantly on Tinubu's electoral chances." Atiku's chances may be impacted by Wike's stance as well - EIU Internal problems have plagued the PDP ever since the presidential primary was over. When the PDP candidate chose Governor Ifeanyi Okowa as his running mate, Nyesom Wike, the governor of Rivers and Atiku's closest rival in the primary, was passed over. The PDP and Atiku also refused to accede to Wike's and his allies' demand that the party's national chairman, Iyorchia Ayu, resign in the name of justice and equity, which gave Atiku more reason to be concerned. Governor Wike, who came in second in the primary, does not seem interested in endorsing Obi, who is eroding the PDP's support in the South-east. stated the EIU. According to the report, the Electoral Act amendment would result in fewer disputes over the outcome of the presidential election even though the race featured three prominent political contenders from the nation's three major ethnic groups.

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